R v RG - £1m plus money laudering
Leading Junior
R v S - £10m car ringing conspiracy
Leading junior
R v S - multi-million pound international fraud
Prosecuted by QC and junior. 15 defendants. 3 months at Southwark CC
R v S - multi-defendant parcel fraud
4 weeks Blackfriars
R v M - Fraud
Leading junior must-defendant mortgage fraud/money laundering
R v M - Multi-defendant money laundering
3 weeks Canterbury
R v M - Multi-defendant fraud and money laundering
Leading Junior - 2.5 months Southwark
R v S- Fraud
Currently retained to advise in a multi jurisdiction computer phishing fraud
R v M - Fraud
10 week money laundering/fraud
R v W - Money Laundering
Retained to advise at pre charge restraint stage in International fraud and money laundering
R v G - Money Laundering
Currently acting as sole junior in fraud/money laundering likely to last 2 months Kingston CC
R v C - Fraud
Leading junior in a diamond boiler room fraud Southwark CC
R v D - Blackmail
Major money lending and blackmail case at Wood Green CC
R v H - Huge courier fraud
Leeds CC
R v H - substantial courier fraud
Worcester CC
R v D - sole junior organised crime group importing and onward selling Class B
Lincoln CC
R v P - Leading junior Stafford CC - Organised Crime group
Acted for lead defendant
R v M - Sole junior Birmingham CC
Acted for lead defendant in substantial multi defendant Class A organised crime group
R v X - Two drugs conspiracies involving in excess of 20 defendants in all
Split trials in Nottingham and Bristol
R v K - Drugs
Currently retained to advise on restraint and act for lead defendant in substantial telephone based drugs investigation involving multiple defendants - Peterborough CC
R v B - Drugs
Currently acting for one of the main defendants in a multi defendant organised crime drugs cas
R v M - People trafficking/Modern Slavery
Leading junior 10 weeks slavery Newcastle CC
>R v C - leading junior - People trafficking/Modern Slavery
Case lasted over 4 months Prosecuted by QC and two juniors. Birmingham CC
R v H - People trafficking/Modern Slavery
Leading junior people trafficking.
R v D -People Trafficking/Modern Slavery
6 week case leading junior
R v G - Modern Slavery/Sexual Trafficking
6 week case - leading junior
R v G – Acquitted of Murder following a stabbing in the street when the defendant was attacked by 2 men, one of whom was armed with a knife. Convicted of lesser offence of Manslaughter.
R v H – A case borne of cell site and telephone interrogation.
R v N – As a junior, Martin acted for one of 6 defendants charged with Murder following a fight outside a club resulting in a man dying. The group of men charged were all friends and had been out for the night. The Crown portrayed them as a pack. Martin argued that his client was on the fringes and not a part of the group attack. He was the only defendant acquitted of Murder. He was convicted of manslaughter and received a much reduced sentence from all other defendants.
R v S – Martin has recently advised on this second opinion Appeal and is looking to find any avenue to appeal. This is ongoing.
R v F – Martin acts for one of 3 defendants charged with Murder. Martin’s client is said to have lured the victim to a flat in order that 2 men could attack and kill him. Ongoing.
R v Y – Multi-defendant Murder at the Old Bailey. Martin acts for one of the men, said to be part of a revenge gang attack resulting in death. Ongoing.
Lord Chancellor v McCarthy
High Court "friendly appeal" against the costs Judge's decision to categorise a case from an A to a B in graduated fee case resulting in decision being overturned in our favour...
R v Smith (Henry Lee) [2007] Crim.L.R 325
(Archbold 2011 Para 4-40 & 13-29)
Lord Chancellor v Purnell QC & McCarthy [2010]
Costs L.R. 81, QBD
Lord Chancellor v AJ Solicitors & McCarthy [2011]
EWHC 2113 (QB)
Smith v CPS [2005]
EWHC 3506 (Admin)
MO, & Others, R [2011]
EWCA Crim 2854 (8 Dec 2011)
Lord Chancellor v McCarthy [2012]
EWHC 2325 (QB).